It is a project that seeks to decolonialize the imaginary, relationships and encounters with the territory. In it dwells the persistent memory of the Catholic paintings created by Latin American syncretism in colonial times, in which the Virgin/Mountain (Mother Earth) was represented crowned -or about to be crowned-, this related to the Catholic practices of imposition, physical and symbolic transformation of “encumbrar/crowning” the top of the hills with white churches, crosses and/or religious figures, and as usual, on sites sacred to the native peoples. These places are a source of great knowledge and remain interwoven in a complex network that holds the territory energetically strong and in balance. Likewise, this search has been crossed by diverse layers, cosmovisions and territories: The ritual and festivity of “Q ́eswachaka” (Rope Bridge) in Cusco-Peru, a tradition where peasants from four communities of Inca descent renew in June of each year the hanging bridge over the Apurímac River. Thinking about the bridge, which reclaimed and made sense in/with the territory, raised questions about that which crosses and simultaneously unites; as well as about the water sources, the stories and the living past in the communities -these close to the life and transformation of the Andes mountain range. For this first meeting/communion, I join them together with one of the seven sacred lagoons that are part of the Mhuysqa ceremony – of pre-Hispanic origin – “Running the Earth”, in which the communities that inhabited/inhabit the territory of Cundinamarca visited/visit them in a hard ritual pilgrimage to venerate and offer them between celebrations. The sacred lagoon of Teusaqá located in the Páramo de Cruz Verde, “behind” the hill of Guadalupe (TCHIGUACHI- Mountain of the Moon; located in the eastern mountain range of the Andes in Colombia) was the first source we visited for the deployment of this nomadic and portable bridge, which seeks to symbolically restore the distant, dormant or forgotten links with the territory that precedes, inhabits, and in many ways, surpasses us.
Laura Riaño Cabrera (Bogota, Colombia 1997) Master of Fine Arts from the National University of Colombia (2016-2022). She has participated in the spaces of laboratories and tutorials organized by the Waja Cultural Foundation around performance, body languages and experimental practices linked to the city and the territory: Experimental Performance Laboratory (LEP) 2020; III Performance Encounter: Body and City (2020); Provisions: Laboratory of Artistic Creation (2021) where he developed excavations and insertion of screens in the courtyard of “Espacio Art Versus”; Body and Resistance: Artistic Practices of Women (2021). As part of this process he produced the video performance and experimental actions -with tree branches- “Mutua” presented at the Débora Arango Exhibition Hall of the Gabriel García Márquez Cultural Center and a performance for public space in the town of Teusaquillo in Bogotá; Interdisciplinary and international meeting of living arts, memory and public space between Mexico and Colombia (2023) Other spaces and exhibitions: – “Galería Santa fe de noche” (2021) with the projection on facade of the video performance “CASA PROPIA” – “INTERSTICIOS” XLV Muestra de Trabajos de Grado “Gustavo Zalamea” (2022) in Building 301 of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Bogotá. -Collective exhibition “Del Timbo al Tambo”, within the framework of the Laboratory: Create and research Outside the Line (2022) — “XI INTERNATIONAL PERFORMANCE FESTIVAL ACTIONS ON THE MARGINS” (Bucaramanga, 2023) with the transmission of the video-action “EN-CUMBRES” – “DIVERFEST 2.0- DIVERSE BODY AND TECHNOLOGY” (Cali, 2023) with the experimental video clip “ROSA DOS VENTOS” (ROSE TWO WINDS).
Bogota, Colombia (Space in Teusaquillo)
Laura Riaño Cabrera, with the participation (in the action) of Luis Hernández Mellizo.
Group exhibition "Del Timbo al Tambo", as part of the Laboratory: Creating and researching Outside the Line.
Artists collective "Por fuera de la línea" (Gwen Rozo, Daniel Fajardo y Andrés Quintero)
Paula Alejandra Poveda Cocuy and Laura Riaño Cabrera
Laura Riaño Cabrera