This year we are inaugurating the VIRTUAL EXHIBITION section of our site, where the selected pieces will be hosted for viewing.
This section reflects the curatorial work carried out by the jury of this third edition.
the nature of ACTION and the action of NATURE :
connective THRESHOLD of INTEGRATING powers
An invitation to attend to and explore the multiplicity of gestating po-ethical ecologies, in dissidence with the patriarchal necropolitics of the current world system.
The 40 pieces selected by the Jury, from a call for entries that received 133 works, are published.
Virtual event where the JURY MENTIONS will be announced (SPANISH + ENGLISH)
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 12 at 11:00 a.m. (Argentine time)
FROM NOVEMBER 2 TO NOVEMBER 12, 2024 CON-FIDENCE and DIS-TRUST (the heart is in perfect state of creation)
book presentation by Ruth Vigueras Bravo