24/7 perfo-SCREEN
Series and complete audiovisual projects of performances, co-produced/managed by Peras de Olmo ARS CONTINUA.
Polyptych series (co.de.)
Co.De. / Decolonial Constellations on Action-Artis an international meeting of performance artists in constellational format, with proposals for individual actions open to development in simultaneity and various reciprocities without previous agreements or designs, together / constellation, creating a synergistic field of poetic otherness of space-time.
Co.De. is proposed as an encounter, to expose and strengthen the criticality of the practice as a reflective observatory sensitive to society, the historical and creative memory of the people, as well as to its own context, embodying values of solidarity and horizontality among artists, taking the public space in a poetic and peaceful way, as an affirmation of the rights of free artistic manifestation and democratic forms in diversity and equity, in times of much economic, physical and symbolic violence globally.
The invitation is to think the decolonial as an inquisitive key, as an axis of personal research to evoke resonances that lead us to act in that insistence that beats in our Latin American bodies, to generate questioning, propositional, mutant images and visual dialogues with other artists. There are no preconceived answers as to what that might be. The event will be like an intervention, the generation of a temporary space of metaphorical coexistence in situ, activating our thoughts and imaginations in consideration of what would be the possible tonalities of a decolonial, non-patriarchal and non-anthropocentric key to generate open images moving in collective constellation, during 2 hours.
polyptych yuchanes
Fifth edition of the Co.De. this time, as the closing event of the second edition of the Cine+Perfo festival.
: s e m i l l a s – l e n g u e s c o m b r o s e s :
Code to watch it for free from November 2 to November 12:
polyptych of avatars
Audiovisual construction of Co.De. / Decolonial Constellations in Action-Art 2020
– Collective body and poetic insurrection – Series of collective performances in public spaces, without preconceived scores. Fourth meeting.
barraNcas polyptych
Third meeting of the series Co. De. / Decolonial Constellations in Art-Action 2019
polyptych immigrants
Second meeting Co.De. in Capital Federal in 2018, with the participation of Latin American artists residing in the city. There is no decoloniality without a depatriarchalizing commitment and action.
Vatican polyptych
First meeting Co.De. in Capital Federal, Argentina in 2017. With the participation of 12 Latin American artists residing in the city and 6 European visiting artists from Germany.
Open field series
Open field / campo abiertO – Actions laboratory 100 x cent.
Continuous and rotating curatorial series created by the artist Graciela Ovejero Postigo as a stable and core program of the space Peras de Olmo – Ars Continua.
individual performances
Records of individual actions (coming soon)