2022 Jury
Works selection circle 2022
Tzu-Chi Yeh(TW)
Tzu-Chi Yeh (葉 子 啓) is a performance artist and curator based in Taiwan. With an educational background of English/Western literature, she had worked as an editor in a literary magazine, a full-time lecturer in a junior college, and a freelance translator and writer before she turned to performance art in 2002. Her creative inspiration comes from life experience, observation, and reading. Her works have a wide range of subjects, diverse forms, and unlimited venues. They can be described as time-based art and poverty art composed of simple ready-made materials, the body, process and environment. She has been invited to 22 countries to show her performance since 2002. In 2003, she founded ArTrend Performance Group to promote performance art in Taiwan. She is one of the participant artists of Subzoology: 2020 Taiwan Biennial.
Marla Freire Smith (CL)
Chile, 1981. Artist and researcher, PhD in Art History and Theory and MA in Contemporary Art History and Visual Culture from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, MA in Scenography from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and BA in Art from the Universidad de Playa Ancha. Her work and artistic trajectory is collected in the book: “Mujeres en las artes visuales en Chile. Women in the visual arts in Chile 2010-2020” (Ministry of Culture, Arts and Heritage). She is part of “Archiva chilena: masterpieces of feminist art in Chile” at the Centro de Documentación de las Artes Visuales del Centro Nacional de Arte Contemporáneo. She has recently carried out the research: “Leaving the canvas and putting the body: Nancy Gewölb” funded by Fondart Nacional. She is currently developing her visual work and is part of the team working on the research project: “Artistic practices of mediation with communities: challenges to expand the social role of the arts in Chile” led by Dr. Rosario García-Huidobro y en “Movilidades adaptativas. Una aproximación transdisciplinaria a la movilidad cotidiana en el archipiélago de Chiloé” liderado por la Dr. Alejandra Lazo, both funded by Fondecyt Regular-MCTCI. www.marlafreire.cl
VestAndPage (DE-IT)
Since 2006, the German artist Verena Stenke and the Venetian-born artist and writer Andrea Pagnes have worked together as VestAndPage and have gained international recognition in the fields of performance art, performance-based filmmaking, writing, publishing and collective performance operas and temporary community art projects. For over a decade, VestAndPage have explored performance art and film as a phenomenon through their collaborative creative practice, as well as theoretical artistic research and curatorial projects. His works have been presented in museums, galleries, theaters, cinemas and various places around the world. They are dedicated to a poetic approach in experimental and personal filmmaking based on performance art, questioning the perception of reality and how we process and store information. For VestAndPage, film and performance can cheat space-time, open up the unconscious as a creative vessel and reveal processes and relationships by linking seemingly unconnected people, things and events.
Eliseo Solís Mora (VE)
Born in Upata (1978) and grew up in El Pao, Bolivar state, Venezuela. Traveled as an exchange student to the United States (1995-1996) through AFS Venezuela. He studied art and obtained a degree in Visual Arts (Cum Laude) at the Universidad de Los Andes in 2008 and a teaching component at the Universidad de Carabobo in 2009, from that year to the present day
his life as an artist with teaching. He has exhibited his work in different national exhibitions in Venezuela and internationally in Spain, Germany, Chile, Argentina, Colombia, USA, France, Cuba, El Salvador, Italy, Dominican Republic, India, Finland and Mexico. In 2011, together with Yacanna Martínez, he created, directs, produces and organises Video En Acción, which has been running for 5 editions to date. Since
2008 is dedicated to research, production and organisation of curatorial and museographic projects.
Peter Baren (NL)
1954 The Netherlands
Peter Baren’s multimedia practice includes site-specific public performances which he refered to as “temporary explorations”. He uses video both for documenting these performances and to create works which are more medium-specific examinations revolving around the history of mankind, cultural objects and territories.
Many of Baren’s live work show the notion of ritual and the way it functions in various socio-cultural contexts. This is conveyed in his art through the use of concepts of otherness and ancient cultures in works that also employ ‘body art’ techniques although in minimalist settings constructed with historical props.
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